You are invited to the official opening of Logan BushCare Residency Exhibition at the LAA gallery, 27 Coral Street, Loganlea, 12-4pm Sunday 8 November 2015.
The Logan BushCare Residency is an art project which seeks to celebrate the diversity of cultures in Logan through Council’s Community Volunteer BushCare program. Logan has 19 natural BushCare
sites which contain a huge diversity of vegetation, wildlife and terrain.
Since January 2015 artist Merri Randell has created a body of work in response to Logan’s BushCare sites. A selection of these artworks will be exhibited at the Logan Artists Association (LAA)
Gallery 4-21 November 2015.
This project aims to raise awareness about the BushCare program and invite people to join-up to support and celebrate the natural areas of Logan.
Please like my facebook page and see all the amazing people I have worked with during this project at:
This project is supported by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). RADF is a Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Logan City Council partnership to support local arts and
Please RSVP to Facebook event: